Felix Schweigkofler

Felix Schweigkofler

Research Assistant, MSc

Experimental Psychology, Utrecht University


I am a research assistant at the deparment of Experimental Psychology at Utrecht University, exploring the poorly understood concept of visual local-global perception bias. My educational background is Molecular Biology (BSc) and Neuroscience and Cognition (MSc), with a strong interest in quantitative and computational approaches.

During my Bachelor’s I gained experience in wetlab microbiology and genetics, which kindled a deep fascination. After concluding my current statistical and modelling-based cognition research, I will therefore turn to biologically-focused research, especially my main interest genetics with a systems perspective, but over the long term I would also like to touch on neurobiology, ageing, and/or cognition.

For the next step of my academic career, I am therefore searching for a PhD position in genetics with a focus on bioinformatics.

Furthermore, I am very interested in promoting Open Science, which I think is key for a positive and collaborative relationship within academia and between academia and society.

Open my resumé.

  • MSc in Neuroscience and Cognition, 2023

    Utrecht University

  • BSc in Molecular Biology, 2020

    Graz University of Technology

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